Streamlining Development: The Impact of Unified Codegen and CMake on Your React Native Projects

As a CTO or technical leader responsible for overseeing your organization's mobile app development, you're constantly seeking ways to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and deliver high-quality products faster. With the evolution of React Native, two significant advancements have emerged to address these needs: Unified Codegen and CMake support. These tools are more than mere updates; they represent a paradigm shift in how React Native apps are developed, promising to significantly impact your project's workflow. This article delves into what these changes entail and how they can streamline your development process.

Understanding Unified Codegen

Unified Codegen is a tool introduced to simplify the process of generating native code for custom React Native modules. Previously, developers had to navigate a complex setup for each platform, leading to duplicated efforts and potential inconsistencies. With Unified Codegen, you can define your native module's spec once, and the tool will automatically generate the corresponding native code for both Android and iOS. This not only saves time but also reduces the scope for errors, ensuring consistency across platforms.


  • Consistency Across Platforms: Define once and maintain consistency in native modules across iOS and Android.
  • Reduced Boilerplate: Automatically generates necessary native code, reducing manual boilerplate and potential human error.
  • Smoother Integration: Makes integrating native modules into your React Native project more straightforward and less error-prone.

Embracing CMake for Android

CMake is an open-source, cross-platform family of tools designed to build, test, and package software. With version 0.70, React Native introduced full support for using CMake to configure Android builds. This is particularly beneficial for projects with complex native code. CMake scripts are more readable and maintainable compared to traditional files, and they allow for more sophisticated build configurations.


  • Enhanced Build Configurations: Offers a more robust and flexible way to manage complex build configurations.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Leverages a tool that's already widely used in cross-platform native development.
  • Improved Readability and Maintenance: CMake lists are generally easier to understand and maintain compared to files.

Streamlining Development Workflow

The introduction of Unified Codegen and CMake support streamlines the development workflow in several ways. By reducing the complexity of integrating and maintaining native modules, teams can focus more on feature development rather than configuration management. This leads to faster development cycles and can significantly reduce the time to market for new features.

Strategic Considerations for CTOs

While the benefits are clear, integrating these tools into your development process requires careful planning. Here are some strategic considerations:

  1. Team Training: Ensure your team is up-to-speed with these tools. They might require a learning curve, but the long-term benefits are worth the initial investment in training.
  2. Project Assessment: Evaluate your current and future projects to determine how much they'll benefit from these tools. Projects with heavy native module usage will see the most significant improvements.
  3. Community and Ecosystem: Stay engaged with the React Native community. As these tools evolve, the community will be a valuable resource for best practices and troubleshooting.


The introduction of Unified Codegen and CMake in React Native represents a significant step forward in streamlining mobile app development. For CTOs looking to optimize their teams' efficiency and deliver high-quality apps faster, understanding and leveraging these tools is crucial. By reducing the complexity and time involved in integrating native modules, your team can focus more on what matters: building great app features that users love. As you plan your next project or consider upgrading your current one, keep these tools in mind as part of your strategic approach to efficient, streamlined development.

Don't let the complexities of modern app development hinder your progress. Schedule your consultation now and take a decisive step towards streamlining your React Native projects for optimal performance and efficiency.

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